Jacob Davidson • May 28, 2023

Whether  Industry  Startup or  Automotive  Titan:


It was the forward looking

Bauhaus Design School that established pure geometric forms as its underlying principle, leaving behind a legacy of modernisation that endures to this day.

A black and white circle with a flag inside of it on a black background.

As its defining characteristic, the adoption of a minimalist design aesthetic set a precedent and was a radical departure from established norms, shunning decoration in favour of pure sculptural forms.

Evoke Motorcycles logo, two lightning bolts crossing each other

Although a stark, even linear approach to aesthetic design is now nothing new, it still has the power to create an impact and still cuts a striking figure alongside more elaborate and laboured outpourings.

Whether Industry Startup or Automotive Titan:

Success Shares the Same DNA


In automotive there may be a handful of principles that determine the overall form and componentry present on a vehicle.

A red porsche is driving down a dark road at night.

Inescapable is physics, aspirational is performance but as another 20th century icon dictated, there's no escaping the bottom line and in manufacturing that means a need to establish and maintain a lean operational footprint.

A graph showing product ranges mass production lean production and craft industries

Industrialist Henry Ford might have found a kindred spirit in Bauhaus architect and contemporary, Mies Van Der Rohe.

A black and white photo of a man in a suit and tie

"Less is more"
Mies Van Der Rohe


The industrial revolution may have begun in England some decades before Ford's birth, but it was efforts during Ford's time and tenureship and not without the influence of two world wars that saw industrial output increase and production methods refined.

This new attention to optimised industrial output and its systemised and uniform processes and outcomes had an impact on the architectural movements and their leading figures at the time. Not just in the case of laying out the plans for a factory floor, but in constructing layouts for modern private residences and large-scale apartment buildings.

Whether Industry Startup or Automotive Titan:

Success Shares the Same DNA


Ford built cars that were functional in the extreme and he built them quickly on the back of demand he in part created by popularising the automobile as a mass market product, striving to make it available to the greatest possible number of consumers and by that he made simple cars that lasted and he made them as cheaply as possible.

A black and white photo of a man working on a car

In fact much of his efforts were in establishing ways to make such vehicles cheaper than previously thought possible, this becoming his legacy as an industrial pioneer of such modern day norms as the assembly line. Ford was both an innovator and a pioneer, a visionary whose legacy is still with us today.

Evoke electric motorcycles are being assembled on a conveyor belt in a factory.

Mies Van Der Rohe designed houses and indeed created something of a legend for himself too. Both highly quotable men, but Mies purely a designer and not the social commentator like his French contemporary Charles Édouard-Jeanerret, another contemporary of Ford's.

A black and white photo of a man wearing glasses and a bow tie.

"The house is a machine for living"
Charles -Édouard Jeanneret


A large house is sitting on top of a hill surrounded by trees.

Le Corbusier's (Charles Jeanneret's) Maison Dom-ino (Domino House). Built as an example of a general framework or plan for a home, with changeable 'components' or elements - 'the house is a machine for living'. In our context, a chassis with the opportunity for adaptation and variation.

Whether Industry Startup or Automotive Titan:

Success Shares the Same DNA


The Model T was Ford's formative model and although a little janky by today's standards it was the car that Ford built its legacy upon. With 15 million units sold and a production run of almost two decades, it's earned it's place in the history books as the first mass market automobile.

A black and white photo of the fifteen millionth ford

Ford's luxury line didn't appear until 1922 with the purchase of Lincoln, but prior to this date and by way of its formative product, Ford had elevated the driving experience to rival that of comparative means, namely rail track, aviation or the horse and cart - the latter which the automobile now sought to replace.

A close up of the rear wheel of a motorcycle

The horse remains to this day a measure of power output. The Evoke Urban Classic musters a respectable 34hp (or 25kw) from its almost-silent running and gearless hub motor.

Today Ford sees success with an expansive model range and it's Model T Ford might share some DNA with it's popular F150 truck which stands in its own right as a successful model with the following stats: 44 years in production, 7 generations, 40,000,000 sold.

A gray ford f150 truck is shown on a white background.


The Ford brand's years of thrift under the leadership of it's founder paved the way for later forays into racing and models that sit next to the Model T as brand icons. It was the Model T and it's countless variants that built the Ford car company, and through that austere approach to product design and model range, an automotive titan was born.

It may sound a stretch to suggest there's a comparison to be made between such a household name as Ford with a history spanning over a century and an automotive startup not yet a decade old, but aside from both technically being in the same industry, both Ford and Evoke Electric Motorcycles took a pragmatic and user-centric approach to vehicle development, building onto a trusted chassis and updating components as uptake in the product grew.

A black and white photo of a man in a suit and tie.

"Any color as long as it's black"
Henry Ford  (1863-1947)

A black electric motorcycle by evoke_motorcycles is parked on a sidewalk in front of a building.


The 2023


Urban Classic

Two electric motorcycles by EvokeMotorcycles are parked next to each other on a sidewalk in front of a building.

The Evoke Urban Classic by Evoke Motorcycles offers 3 rider modes, each a balance between available power and consumption.

A close up of a motorcycle handlebar with a red button on it.

Alongside reducing power demand and serving to increase range our eco-mode may offer additional confidence to a new rider trying out a full-sized motorcycle for the first time.

A woman is riding a red urban-s, an electric motorcycle down a city street in New York, USA 2021.

The Evoke Urban-S, Pre-cursor to the Classic.

At the other end of the spectrum, Pro mode, serves as a setting for anyone with somewhere to be and little time to waste (all the power: range be damned) and City mode as something of a happy medium between the two.

A man is riding a red urban-s, an electric motorcycle down a road.

The Evoke Motorcycle App

Alongside our riding modes, and as part of our 2023 updates, The Evoke Urban range allows riders to review the bike's core metrics while out of the saddle by way of our proprietary app for Android devices.

A person is holding a cell phone in front of a laptop.

It's just one of a number of new features as part of updates found on the 2023 Urban Classic.

A close up of a motorcycle handlebar with a remote control on it.

New for 2023 backlit switches and all new enhanced screen shown here on a 2023 Urban Classic.

Three urban-classic by evoke_motorycles, electric motorcycles are parked next to each other in front of a fence.

The Evoke Urban Classic is available in Galaxy Black, Oceanic Blue and new for 2023, Rogue Red.

Now close to the final stages of its developmental journey, Evoke have shaped a platform currently in its 17th and 18th iteration that continues to see testing and development and like Ford building on the success of its Model T, are about to venture out into new markets and model lines with the 6061-GT.

A motorcycle is parked on a sidewalk in front of a building.


Both companies employed a lean approach to development and both innovated and updated along the same simple chassis until a stage was reached when it was time to explore new avenues.

Four old ford cars are shown on a page

Both serve(d) the everyman with an everyday vehicle built to be simple, affordable and reliable and by doing so reached the greatest number of consumers.

A black and white Urban S drawing of an electric motorcycle with measurements.

The Evoke Urban-S. Precursor to the Classic.

A black and white drawing of Urban Classic an electric motorcycle on a white background.

The Evoke Urban Classic. The 18th iteration of the platform (see our 2023 component updates above).

It would be easy to consider the legacy of Henry Ford to be the cars he made and brand he built, but in fact a greater legacy is in the way those cars were made. When considering what’s required to perform in the market there’s something to be learned from even the humblest of Ford’s offerings and that’s in its manufacture.

A diagram of a dna with the words control improve analyze measure define

The impact of lean manufacturing is much like the Ford brand - a global phenomenon - but although Fords make their way up and down highways, around race courses and sit patiently on dealership forecourts, lean is alive not only in classrooms and lecture theatres but on factory floors and in transcending automotive as a model for industrial efficiency wholesale.  


Nathan Siy in a leather jacket is sitting on an electric motorcycle holding a helmet.

In Nathan Siy, there’s a student of lean manufacturing that’s learned through practice, that startups need take quick gulps of air to sustain the output required to maintain operations.  That journey continues almost a decade since the company's founding with grounded business decisions that allow the path ahead to remain clear of obstacles and impediments.


If tenets of lean weren’t a factor at the beginning, they certainly entered the fray early on and this came through customer engagement and feedback as a result of uptake spearheaded by Sebastian Chobrok’s assertive sales strategy.

Sebastian Chrobok wearing a black hat with the evoke motorcycles on it

While we see Henry Ford as a monolith and whether or not there was an unsung aid at his side, Evoke remains largely a two-man operation (total employer headcount not-withstanding) and the founding duo at Evoke endure, standing ready to advance into the next era of the company’s growth and model range and its second decade of operations.


After over 7 years subtly refining the same core product, its componentry and the pack that powers it, the Evoke Urban platform in both its S and Classic iterations  has seen a steady and consistent developmental arc.

It's the bike that's been taken on trips out of town, the bike that's been shipped globally to four different continents and the bike that's been continually ridden and tested both in-house and by our customers on a daily basis.

You could say the company's been built around it and it could also be said that a lot of stock has been invested in its ability to maintain a market segment where it is unrivalled.


It's in part how Evoke can price the bike at the point that they do. It's only possible due to our location in China and the relationships we've built with suppliers over the years.

Those that weren't delivering to our standards and ambitions we simply moved on from and those partnerships we currently maintain we do so for a reason.

Our component partners, based upon long-standing and amicable relations allow us to define specs and suggest improvements that get our bike to where we feel it needs to be both in terms of performance and reliability.

Despite the established supply chain we have with component manufacturer's, we don't miss an opportunity to shop around.

It's this foresight that allows us deliver an assured service in battery building, further innovate our range and expand new product lines on entirely new platforms.


Just  as Evoke have built a practical albeit 21st Century workhorse of a vehicle that's ethos is driven by mass-market uptake and rideability, the success of this tried and true method and means of transportation gives rise to the opportunity for something else entirely.

The GT-6061 is where the next phase of the Evoke journey begins. In that the company is grateful to all of our followers for their sustained interest and shared passion.

In the Evoke Urban-S and Classic we built a bike that serves as a effective and fun city bike with ample grunt behind it. With the GT-6061, we're picking up on the theme of grunt and making that our core metric.

The numbers point to a vehicle that pulls like a tractor, goes like the devil and offers range that pushes the envelope. Keen to deliver on the promise of these stats it's this model that will define the company going forward.

For more remember to visit Evokemotorcycles.com


data logging electric motorcycle riding data
By Mike Belov July 5, 2024
Data logging for electric vehicles offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it enables vehicle owners and enthusiasts to comprehensively analyse and evaluate their vehicle's performance. By recording essential parameters such as engine RPM, speed, throttle position, and braking force, among others, data logging facilitates the identification of areas for improvement, fine-tuning of vehicle settings, and tracking of performance changes over time. Furthermore, data logging serves as a valuable diagnostic and troubleshooting tool, providing crucial information about sensor readings, error codes, and system behaviour during specific events or conditions. This empowers mechanics and vehicle owners to identify problems accurately and make informed decisions regarding repairs or maintenance. For performance enthusiasts, data logging allows customization and optimization of vehicle settings, as continuous monitoring and logging of performance data enable precise fine-tuning of engine parameters, suspension settings, and other components. This approach helps achieve desired performance characteristics while maximizing efficiency. Importantly, data logging contributes to safety by providing insights into driver behaviour and vehicle performance, recording data related to acceleration, braking, speed, and other parameters. This information can be utilized for training purposes, monitoring driving habits, and assessing vehicle performance during critical situations. Thus, data logging proves to be an invaluable tool, offering multifaceted advantages for vehicle owners, enthusiasts, mechanics, and the automotive industry as a whole. When it comes to Evoke Motorcycles, collected data is used for identifying errors and potential areas of improvement in prototypes and other models. If an error or an abnormality comes up in the data, it can be easily noticed and traced to its origin, helping identify the root of the problem. Furthermore, using data brings valuable insights into driver behaviour and its variety. If one behaviour is more prevalent than the other, or there are many, the design or parameters can be manipulated to better suit the driver and make the driving experience much more pleasant and comfortable. In the future, data analytics are planned to be shifted in the hands of AI/ML providing instantaneous criteria and analysis on the go, as the data is being collected. This will fully automate the process and result in much more detailed diagnostics once the AI is sufficiently trained on the past data processes. All of the data is collected and stored within the vehicle, as this surpasses the limitation of servers. If the data is stored within a server in one country, a user in the other might not be able to access it. If the data is stored inside the Evoke motorcycle itself, the user can access it at any point and maintains full control of their own riding data. If there are any issues with the electric motorcycle, or the user would like to understand their riding data better, it can be easily sent to Evoke for review, bypassing any geopolitical limitations that would be otherwise present with the use of servers. The vehicle records up to 10 hours of riding data and is collected every 0.5 seconds. As of 2024, the 120 collected data points make up the five main data pools:
By Mike Belov June 28, 2024
Vehicles, that run with combustion engines or ICEs rely on a jackshaft to efficiently distribute the produced power or simply optimise the conversion of energy to the wheels of the vehicle. ICEs cannot automatically regulate the speed of their rotation. In order to control it, different gears are introduced, to be able to increase and decrease the torque. If the jackshaft is part of a transmission system, it may have multiple gears or pulleys of different sizes attached to it. These gears or pulleys can have different ratios, allowing for torque conversion or speed adjustment. Gear ratio can be calculated via the formula below:
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