Electric Vehicle Range: Points to Consider

September 3, 2021

How much electric vehicle range is too much when you’re riding your motorcycle?

Urban Classic in black, an electric motorcycle is parked on the side of the road at sunset in Perth, Australia

Owning an electric motorcycle requires knowledge about all the important details provided by the manufacturer. This is important because your driving will depend on how well you know your vehicle. In general, electric vehicles can travel an average of half the distance with that of gas-powered ones before it needs recharging. It’s important to note that gas pumps are more abundant than EVs fast chargers. That’s why riders must become familiar with how much electric vehicle range is possible with their ride.

Electric Vehicle Range Considerations

A set of batteries with different levels of charge on a black background.

EPA Range Figure

Gas-powered vehicles have Environment Protection Agency’s (EPA) fuel-economy estimates, which contain details on a ride’s performance with its fuel capacity. Electric motorcycles also have their separate ratings with city and highway range capacity.

The Urban S , for example, has a higher city efficiency than highways ride because of its low and variable speed situations and the ability to regain energy during deceleration, aka Regen, using electric motors rather than the traditional braking system. 

Everyone who wants to own an electric motorcycle should look for the EPA estimated range figure first. The numbers will tell you how far you can go with a single full charge of the battery. More than the EPA’s fuel economy estimates another way of driving an electric motorcycle efficiently is knowing its charging losses. There’s usually 85 to 90 percent of the bike’s total energy for consumption expressed in Miles Per Gasoline-Equivalent (MPGe), which provides the energy used during the trip. 

Related Article: How to Calculate Range on an Electric Motorcycle

Choosing the Bike for Your Electric Vehicle Range Requirement

Urban Classic in black, an electric motorcycle is parked on the side of the road in Perth, Australia

When it comes to picking out the right bike for your EV range requirement, you can select from a wide variety of electric bikes and scooters. Slow-speed electric scooters would typically give you a 50-km ride before requiring you to charge up its battery pack again. For a high-speed one, you can expect a range of 70 to 75 km. So, if you’re doing mostly nearby rides, these electric bikes would be ideal for your use. 

However, if you want to enjoy a road trip or a long drive, a high-end motorcycle like the 6061 , which comes with a premium-grade battery pack can give you a riding range of at least 470 km for a city ride at a top speed of 230+ km per hour on a single charge.

Aside from the electric vehicle range, you should also carefully consider motor power. Each EV is different, with each one having different power outputs. Consider which one would best suit your needs. Buying an underpowered one will not allow you to stretch your electric vehicle range and even ruin the experience of owning a two-whe eled ride. 

Electric Vehicle Range Limit

Electric vehicle range can be complicated. Figuring the absolute maximum limit can be tricky as it can be difficult to achieve it with any regularity. Primarily because it will require you to top your battery charging to 100%, which isn’t common in electric vehicles. Topping the rate of charging can significantly wear out the battery and shorten its lifespan.

For daily use, charging your batteries up to 90% is ideal. Even at Tesla, the recommended charging should be top at 90%. That’s why it’s critical to factor in charging infrastructures when going on long drives. Make sure that you understand the battery buffer between what you can use and the EPA combined rating. 

Urban S in red, an electric hot motorcycle is parked on a black background

For more remember to visit Evokemotorcycles.com

data logging electric motorcycle riding data
By Mike Belov July 5, 2024
Data logging for electric vehicles offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it enables vehicle owners and enthusiasts to comprehensively analyse and evaluate their vehicle's performance. By recording essential parameters such as engine RPM, speed, throttle position, and braking force, among others, data logging facilitates the identification of areas for improvement, fine-tuning of vehicle settings, and tracking of performance changes over time. Furthermore, data logging serves as a valuable diagnostic and troubleshooting tool, providing crucial information about sensor readings, error codes, and system behaviour during specific events or conditions. This empowers mechanics and vehicle owners to identify problems accurately and make informed decisions regarding repairs or maintenance. For performance enthusiasts, data logging allows customization and optimization of vehicle settings, as continuous monitoring and logging of performance data enable precise fine-tuning of engine parameters, suspension settings, and other components. This approach helps achieve desired performance characteristics while maximizing efficiency. Importantly, data logging contributes to safety by providing insights into driver behaviour and vehicle performance, recording data related to acceleration, braking, speed, and other parameters. This information can be utilized for training purposes, monitoring driving habits, and assessing vehicle performance during critical situations. Thus, data logging proves to be an invaluable tool, offering multifaceted advantages for vehicle owners, enthusiasts, mechanics, and the automotive industry as a whole. When it comes to Evoke Motorcycles, collected data is used for identifying errors and potential areas of improvement in prototypes and other models. If an error or an abnormality comes up in the data, it can be easily noticed and traced to its origin, helping identify the root of the problem. Furthermore, using data brings valuable insights into driver behaviour and its variety. If one behaviour is more prevalent than the other, or there are many, the design or parameters can be manipulated to better suit the driver and make the driving experience much more pleasant and comfortable. In the future, data analytics are planned to be shifted in the hands of AI/ML providing instantaneous criteria and analysis on the go, as the data is being collected. This will fully automate the process and result in much more detailed diagnostics once the AI is sufficiently trained on the past data processes. All of the data is collected and stored within the vehicle, as this surpasses the limitation of servers. If the data is stored within a server in one country, a user in the other might not be able to access it. If the data is stored inside the Evoke motorcycle itself, the user can access it at any point and maintains full control of their own riding data. If there are any issues with the electric motorcycle, or the user would like to understand their riding data better, it can be easily sent to Evoke for review, bypassing any geopolitical limitations that would be otherwise present with the use of servers. The vehicle records up to 10 hours of riding data and is collected every 0.5 seconds. As of 2024, the 120 collected data points make up the five main data pools:
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Vehicles, that run with combustion engines or ICEs rely on a jackshaft to efficiently distribute the produced power or simply optimise the conversion of energy to the wheels of the vehicle. ICEs cannot automatically regulate the speed of their rotation. In order to control it, different gears are introduced, to be able to increase and decrease the torque. If the jackshaft is part of a transmission system, it may have multiple gears or pulleys of different sizes attached to it. These gears or pulleys can have different ratios, allowing for torque conversion or speed adjustment. Gear ratio can be calculated via the formula below:
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