How to Prepare Your Electric Vehicle for Winter Storage

December 18, 2021

With the cold season nearing, its time to lay down the basics of winter storage for your electric vehicles.

A snowy field with trees and a path in the snow

Owning an electric vehicle (EV) involves knowing your responsibilities in terms of maintenance . While autumn riding can be bearable for some since most electric motorcycles like Evoke are built with strength, extreme weather conditions can cause deterioration. This particularly applies during the winter season. Often, bike owners would postpone their rides and store their vehicles until the cold weather subsides. 

Storing your EV during the winter season means more than just parking it in your garage. There are specific preparations that you have to take note of. Here are some tips on how you can prepare your electric vehicle for winter storage:

Prepare Your Garage

The first thing you should do is to prepare your garage before the winter season starts. Sealing small openings that could cause a cold draft must be done. This ensures that no moisture can affect your EV while in storage. Ensure that your garage doors and windows are sealed properly, and check the rubber gaskets if they are in good condition to withstand the cold weather. You also need to check on your electrical and lighting outlets if they are all functioning properly. It would be best to do all these preparations before the winter season, so you can have enough time for repairs and materials replacements.

Moderate Temperature

One of the basic solutions that you can have for the cold season would be heat. It would be best that your HVAC system also supplies heat for your garage to properly regulate the temperature and help protect your EV from the cold. As part of maintaining your EV in good condition during the winter storage, you can frequently have your vehicle running for a few minutes to achieve a desirable temperature. 

This procedure works best if you are going to use your EV during the cold season. It is ideal to do this 30 minutes before you go out, which also helps in reducing the energy loss during a cold start. 

Check Your Tires

Checking your tires during winter is also important because it also experiences deterioration during the winter season. If you are planning to store your EV for the duration of the season, it would be best to elevate your unit and keep your tires hanging from the floor. This will help protect your tires from bearing the weight of your EV at a single point. Also, the cold temperature can lower your tire’s PSI that can cause cracks if left unattended.

Disconnect the Battery

Disconnecting the battery of your EV will also help protect your vehicle during winter storage. Your EV’s battery powers the accessories of your vehicle. It would be wise to disconnect it if you are storing your EV for more than 30 days to help preserve its life.

Remove the Ice

During the winter season, expect your EV to have ice build-up. This commonly happens when the winter storage area is not adequately prepared. Try to maintain your vehicle free from ice, more importantly if you are going to use it outside. It can be dangerous when some ice falls off during your ride. 

While storing your EV during the winter season, keep your vehicle dry to prevent any rust and molds from building up. 

Performing these simple preparations will help protect your EV during the winter season. Doing a post-winter checkup is also necessary before a ride. 

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data logging electric motorcycle riding data
By Mike Belov July 5, 2024
Data logging for electric vehicles offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it enables vehicle owners and enthusiasts to comprehensively analyse and evaluate their vehicle's performance. By recording essential parameters such as engine RPM, speed, throttle position, and braking force, among others, data logging facilitates the identification of areas for improvement, fine-tuning of vehicle settings, and tracking of performance changes over time. Furthermore, data logging serves as a valuable diagnostic and troubleshooting tool, providing crucial information about sensor readings, error codes, and system behaviour during specific events or conditions. This empowers mechanics and vehicle owners to identify problems accurately and make informed decisions regarding repairs or maintenance. For performance enthusiasts, data logging allows customization and optimization of vehicle settings, as continuous monitoring and logging of performance data enable precise fine-tuning of engine parameters, suspension settings, and other components. This approach helps achieve desired performance characteristics while maximizing efficiency. Importantly, data logging contributes to safety by providing insights into driver behaviour and vehicle performance, recording data related to acceleration, braking, speed, and other parameters. This information can be utilized for training purposes, monitoring driving habits, and assessing vehicle performance during critical situations. Thus, data logging proves to be an invaluable tool, offering multifaceted advantages for vehicle owners, enthusiasts, mechanics, and the automotive industry as a whole. When it comes to Evoke Motorcycles, collected data is used for identifying errors and potential areas of improvement in prototypes and other models. If an error or an abnormality comes up in the data, it can be easily noticed and traced to its origin, helping identify the root of the problem. Furthermore, using data brings valuable insights into driver behaviour and its variety. If one behaviour is more prevalent than the other, or there are many, the design or parameters can be manipulated to better suit the driver and make the driving experience much more pleasant and comfortable. In the future, data analytics are planned to be shifted in the hands of AI/ML providing instantaneous criteria and analysis on the go, as the data is being collected. This will fully automate the process and result in much more detailed diagnostics once the AI is sufficiently trained on the past data processes. All of the data is collected and stored within the vehicle, as this surpasses the limitation of servers. If the data is stored within a server in one country, a user in the other might not be able to access it. If the data is stored inside the Evoke motorcycle itself, the user can access it at any point and maintains full control of their own riding data. If there are any issues with the electric motorcycle, or the user would like to understand their riding data better, it can be easily sent to Evoke for review, bypassing any geopolitical limitations that would be otherwise present with the use of servers. The vehicle records up to 10 hours of riding data and is collected every 0.5 seconds. As of 2024, the 120 collected data points make up the five main data pools:
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Vehicles, that run with combustion engines or ICEs rely on a jackshaft to efficiently distribute the produced power or simply optimise the conversion of energy to the wheels of the vehicle. ICEs cannot automatically regulate the speed of their rotation. In order to control it, different gears are introduced, to be able to increase and decrease the torque. If the jackshaft is part of a transmission system, it may have multiple gears or pulleys of different sizes attached to it. These gears or pulleys can have different ratios, allowing for torque conversion or speed adjustment. Gear ratio can be calculated via the formula below:
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